EFF Spokesperson, Vuyani Pambo, speaking shortly after opening a case at the Douglasdale Police Station, against Communications Minister, Stella Ndabeni Abrahams, for allegedly breaking the lockdown rules says:

“She is supposed to be of a high standard upholding the law. She sits on the National Command Council, she is part of the decision making body of that council.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa, in a statement following his meeting reprimanding Communications Minister, Stella Ndabeni Abrahams for failing to adhere to the lockdown rules says:

“None of us, even a member of the national executive should undermine our national effort to save lives in this very serious situation. I am satisfied that Minister Ndabeni Abrahams appreciates the seriousness of what she has done and that no one is above the law.”

EFF Spokesperson, Vuyani Pambo, following Dlamini- Zuma’s announcement that mines would be allowed to operate at 50% production as part of the government’s attempt to gradually phase out lockdown regulations by opening up sectors such as the Mining and ICT sectors says:

“The idea that mines must operate at 50% production to avoid seismic shifts is not only ridiculous but lacks evidence. There is absolutely no truth in the assumption that, if mines do not operate at 50% production they will experience rockfall and collapse. Mines collapse at 100% operation causing catastrophic rock falls that have claimed hundreds of poor mine workers lives.”

The Fair-Trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA) Chairperson, Sinenhlanhla Mnguni in a statement following his announcement that FITA is working on a legal remedy to have the ban on the sale of cigarettes lifted said:

“The uncertainty around the current restrictions and whether or not the lockdown period will be extended beyond the current end dates, left us with little choice but to take such a drastic step. We tried long and hard to engage with the government with this issue but our pleas unfortunately, fell on deaf ears.”

Correctional services spokesperson, Singabakho Nxumalo on the Department of Justice and Correctional Services releasing inmates who can’t pay bail for petty crimes, because prisons are on high alert after 56 inmates and 31 correctional services staff members were confirmed to have contracted Covid-19 at a correctional facility in East London says:

“Inmates detained for minor offences with a bail option (they cannot afford) are being considered for placement on warning by courts. This is an ongoing process.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa, in his weekly newsletter responded to allegations about officials stealing and selling food parcels meant to alleviate hunger among poor South Africans during the lockdown, highlighting that if found guilty the alleged would face harsh consequences because:

“Alleviating hunger is not an act of charity. It is imperative for any society that is founded on respect for human rights.”

The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro in a televised address that downplayed the threat of Covid-19 to the country says:

“Our Lives have to go on. Jobs must be kept. We must, yes, get back to normal. With my history as an athlete, if I were infected with the virus, I would have no reason to worry. I would feel nothing, or it would be at most, just the flu.”

The speaker of Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia showed his support for the Brazillian president, who called protesters, patriots for fighting for the restrictions introduced to stop the spread of Covid-19, to be lifted. In the tweet he says:

“The whole world is united against Covid-19, but in Brazil we have to fight the Corona-virus and the virus of authoritarianism.”

ANC Treasurer-General, Paul Mashatile, speaking during an online Freedom Day lecture organised by the ANC Youth League says:

“It is indeed the task of young people to spearhead the national effort to build a new post Covid-19 economy and society. We need young people to lead our ongoing efforts to industrialise our economy, to prioritise local content and manufacturing, and proceed with import substitution.”

Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association (MKMVA) association spokesperson, Carl Niehaus told media that the military veterans were pleased by President Cyril Ramaphosa’s excellent hard work in leading the government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, however they made it know that they oppose the lifting of the ban on cigarette sales saying:

“The MKMVA strongly opposes the sale of cigarettes. The Covid-19 infection is a respiratory disease and smoking affects our ability to fight the disease.”

The National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of SA (Naamsa), supported by the National Automobile Dealers’ Association (Nada) and the National Association of Automotive Component and Allied Manufacturers (Naacam) submitted a business to have the automotive retail sector, which includes sales, maintenance, repairs, parts supply, and all other related services to be classified under level 4 from the 1st of May. Naamsa says:

“The country’s dealership network is an integral part of the overall automotive value chain and cannot be viewed as a separate entity. Allowing vehicle manufacturers to operate under level 4 as proposed, cannot be done in isolation of the dealership network.”

By admin